Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Are we living in a simulated universe?

It could also be the boundaries of our universe within the multiverse  or whatever is on the other side. It doesn't have to be a simulator. We are still speculating at this point. Another theory could be that since we can create simulated platforms that if we are really a simulated universe created by something higher up then the same rules could apply where that something higher up could also be simulated by something else higher up than it and so on and so on.
Who made the rule that nothing can move less than one space? That brought to mind fractals where as much as you zoom in you can always zoom in more indefinitely. Much like my theory at the other end of the scale where if we kept on zooming out, what would be beyond the multiverse? It could be multiverse within multiverse within multiverse etc. Why would something not be able to move half a space or a quarter of a space or be situated on the borders of multiple spaces simultaneously? Who said the rules have to be the same as chess anyway? It is really limited thinking to project rules onto something we know little if anything about.

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